Gliniak Maciej,Sikora Jakub,Sadowska Urszula,Klimek-Kopyra Agnieszka,Latawiec Agnieszka,Kuboń Maciej
Degradation of arable soils reduces their productivity and worsens the problem of global food security. One of the ways to prevent this phenomenon is the possibility of using biochar. Its addition to soil improves water, biochemical and mechanical properties. This has been proven in many research works. The purpose of the research described in the article is to determine the dose of biochar to be used in a heavy soil cultivated field in order to improve its grain size. The tests were carried out for 10 different doses of biochar in relation to the control field. After the end of the growing season, soil samples were taken for laboratory tests in order to determine the granulometric composition of the soil. Studies have shown that the addition of biochar changes the grain structure of the soil.