Postnikov S,Trofimov A,Smagin D
This article provides a comparative analysis of the traditional control system power part for a short-medium-range aircraft with a control system power part with local HS. Comparison is based on the criterion of reliability. As initial data, statistics on the probability of failures of the electrical system and hydraulic system and actuators. The considered architecture of the control system power part with local HS fully complies with the required standards for the control system reliability given in regulatory documents, such as AR-25 and CS-25. The considered architecture of the control system power part with local HS is commensurate with the reliability of a typical version of the control system power part architecture. The considered architecture of the control system power part with local HS fully complies with the required standards for the control system reliability given in regulatory documents, such as AR-25 and CS-25. The considered architecture of the control system power part with local HS is commensurate with the reliability of a typical version of the control system power part architecture and in some cases it is an order of magnitude superior.