Khroustalev B M,Veranko U A,Zankavich V V,Busel A U,Shang B,Shi J,Liu Yu
This article contains the results of the study of elastic deflection of semi-rigid pavement defined by the method of a rolling wheel (RWD) under different axial loads. For the investigations, an exclusive mobile complex was developed, allowing measurements to be made in a motion for various axial loads from 100 to 250 kN. It has been observed that the dynamic method of testing a semi-rigid pavement with a rolling wheel with different load levels allows determining non-linear characteristics of the deformation curve and deformation features of the package of asphalt concrete layers with appropriate loads, that cannot be done with the standard method of estimating the elastic deflection under a load of 100 kN. The results of the study can be used to develop criteria for assessing the strength, reliability, and deformability of semi-rigid pavement. It is possible to determine the likelihood of a joint failure-free operation of a rigid base and non-rigid layer with a resource forecast and the feasibility of its cold recycling.