Rojas-Martinez L A,Montoya OD,Martinez-Trespalacios J A,Rojas C.,Pacheco C.,Castro-Suarez john R.
In the following work, the practical implementation of a radial distribution system will be carried out. This work is done in the GAMS software. In the present work the analysis will be carried out to three radial systems of 10, 33, 69 nodes. In which it is expected to analyze the best location of distributed generation systems (GD) and batteries (B), in order to obtain an objective function (Z) that represent the best performance of each system. The systems have a single source of generation and will be assigned Distributed Generators and Batteries. In the same way taking into account the variation of the systems, it is expected to analyze the active power losses, the reactive power losses, the power of the battery and the charge state of the battery in a period of 24 hours. The analysis was done with the GAMS software.