Raghul Anandh K.S.,Thilipkumar K.,Saravanan R.
Ni hard 4 cast iron has high strength and wear resistance material used in pipe fittings, concrete mixture, etc. In this study, improve the surface property like hardness, wear resistance of Ni hard 4 cast iron and adding alloying element like Titanium grade 2 (0.6mm) sheet on the surface using Gas Tungsten Arc as heat source. The hardness was taken at the base and modified area and it is increased from 597.5 HV to 1435 HV. Wear rate was found to be 4.7 for base and 0.15 for modified layer. The wear resistance is improved because of the formation of titanium carbide hard phase in the modified layer. The titanium carbide phase is formed and it was observed by XRD analysis. In the elemental composition analysis the presence of titanium 10 wt% was observed in the modified area.
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