An analytical analysis has been carried out to understand the influence of dimensionless numbers in the thermal stratification of solar domestic hot water storage (SDHW) tank. Thermal stratification is the phenomena to maintain cold water layer at the bottom of the storage tank and above the cold water maintaining of hot water layer. In between cold and hot water layer one barrier layer is considered, which is called a thermocline layer. From the thermocline layer the heat transfer exchanging starts in between hot and cold water layer. The thermocline layer thickness starts increasing, which is undesired and non-beneficial from maintaining of thermal stratification of the storage tank. This degradation of thermal stratification of the storage tank cannot be eliminated fully, but only it can be reduced down somehow. Hence this analytical study analysis is about to know the influence of dimensionless numbers like Reynold’number, Nusselt number, Prandtl number on the thermal stratification of storage Tank.