Rastorguev D A,Zotov A V,Dema R R
The article considers an example of a combined approach in the technological operation designing. The features of this approach are considered when choosing and calculating the design and technological parameters of the operation. The proposed method combines the use of the analytical and experimental studies results with soft computing. The example of multi-stage iterative designing of the cladding operation shows how to simplify it. The application of neural network and fuzzy modeling is considered in terms of expanding the possibilities of working with data obtained from analytical and experimental studies. Combining neural network and fuzzy modeling makes it possible to dispense with a minimum amount of data to obtain working dependencies. Such a combined application of the methods provides high accuracy of output data forecasting. Due to the high generalizing ability, the possibility of adaptation and adjustment, the proposed approach allows to expand technological capabilities in the design of operations, to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of production.