Romanova K A,Galyametdinov Y G
Quantum cascade lasers based on semiconductor InGaAs/AlInAs and InGaAs/AlAsSb quantum wells exhibit electronic intersubband transitions within conduction bands and attract much attention due to their operation at room-temperature short wavelengths. In this work we performed a theoretical simulation of such quantum cascade lasers and studied the influence of their construction and application conditions on optical behaviour. The intersubband absorption processes in these quanta well structures were studied. Electronic properties and the conduction band edge profiles were simulated as well as the probability densities of the Wannier-Stark states were determined. The simulation results showed that with the rise of the temperature the threshold current density increases which also leads to a decrease in the optical gain. An increase of the applied electric field is accompanied by the optical gain rising and decrease of the threshold current density that results in a blue shift of laser frequency.
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