Liu H. P.,Li J.Y.,Kang L.,Zhang T. M.,Li J.
Temperature is one of the important parameters that effect the production of metal ion using MIVOC method. Beams of highly charged iron ions are produced with 14.5 GHz all-permanent-magnet electron cyclotron resonance ion source at three temperatures at 320 kV high voltage multi-discipline platforms for highly charged ions at IMP, CAS. At 18 °C, Fe13+ and Fe15+ of more than 15.9 eμA and 11.7 eμA have been extracted with an extraction voltage of 15 kV and a microwave power of 300 W. When increasing temperature to 25 #x00B0;C and 30 #x00B0;C, more main substance arrives at the plasma chamber of ion source and the outputs of Fe15+ and Fe16+ decreases, but those of Fe13+, Fe12+ and Fe11+ increase, the distribution of Fe ions shifts towards low charge state. The conductance of the coupled MIVOC system is estimated at different temperatures. The ionization efficiencies and the effective consumptions rate of ferrocene are also figured out from the vapour pressure and the intensities of iron ion beams. With the increase of the temperature, the conductance and the consumptions increases while the dependence of ionization efficiency on the temperature is different.