Pumice has been used mainly in structural applications such as light-weight concretes, cements, and filters. Despite being used mostly in these areas of construction industry, pumice has very few applications in other sectors. Especially in the present investigation, it has been aimed to spread the usage of pumice in different sectors by analysing the particle size of the material. In cooperation with the factory and the processes of production of building chemicals was observed and it was investigated the characterization of the material produced by using FE-SEM. So that the microstructure images and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) composition analyses were obtained. It was observed that there has been a negligible amount of reaction between the Silicon and the pumice particles. In similar studies, when the doping is carried out at high temperatures, unwanted reactions (insulation, mechanical strength, etc.) occur between the particle and the base material and this affects the physical properties of the material in a negative way. In this study, due to the doping is in room conditions, there is little reaction between the particle and Silicon.