Apribowo C H B,Nizam M,Pramono S,Maghfiroh H,Hakim K
The 15 kW solar power plant (PLTS) is a new certain in the application of small-medium solar energy usage, especially for the campus environment in Indonesia which can support and become proof of realization green campus program. The existence of 15 kW PLTS become an attention to do advanced analysis in order that production of the specific electric energy or final yield (YF) and performance ratio (PR) from a PLTS can be monitored based on installation location. The value of YF and PR can be used as reference to do identification, trouble operation analysis, and developing of a PLTS. The optimum value of YF and PR on the 15 kW PLTS resulted by doing simulation from a simulator software, which the value resulted from location and configuration of the system installation without watch shading factor. And then the simulation value compared with electric energy real production result on this 15 kW PLTS. The 15 kW PLTS divided be two lines, that are 5 kW and 10 kW line. From simulation result, showed that in the 5 kW line have value of optimum production is 5264.8 kWh with PR 83,1% and in the 10 kW line have value of optimum production is 7687.2 kWh with PR 83.12%. Real production in line 5 kW is 1326.9 kWh with difference 74.79% with simulation and in line 10 kW is 1643.3 kWh with difference 78.62% with simulation. The shading and existing disturbances resulted in a decrease in electrical energy production and performance in the line 5 kW is YF 0.91 hours/day with CF 2.79% and in the line 10 kW is YF 3.07 hours/day with CF 11.73%.
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