Perception of Structure-Borne Sound in Buildings in Context of Vibration Comfort of Human in the Buildings


Nering Krzysztof


Abstract Structure-borne noise is an extremely complex issue considering comfort of room users. The purpose of this work is to focus on the impact of vibration on humans in building together with the structure-borne noise generated by vibrating partitions of the room. Radiation of noise from vibrating partitions creates structure-borne noise, which is an additional stimulus, in addition to mechanical vibration of the floor. This means it may result in reduced comfort. Based on the review of current knowledge, it can be concluded that the perception of two simultaneous stimuli causes more annoyance than considering stimuli separately. Considering the fact that vibrations and structure-borne noise, due to the mechanics of the phenomenon, usually occur together, it is necessary to analyse the existing comfort assessment criteria. In addition, validity of given existing criteria has to be verified in the light of the phenomenon of structure-borne noise. This task was carried out using models with different approaches to the phenomenon. Basing on the given values of accelerations or velocities of floor two models were created. First model consists of single vibrating plate, with known vibration velocity. Vibrating plate radiates sound inside the modelled room. Sound pressure level was estimated using simple theoretical formulas present in literature. Second model is prepared as 3D FEM model with shell elements surrounding the room. Air was modelled inside room with 3D elements. Sound pressure level was calculated from simulations. The work aimed at determining the legitimacy of the assumption in the Polish standard PN-B-02171:2017 of mechanical vibration perception threshold and the admissible values determining mechanical vibrations.


IOP Publishing


General Medicine

Reference21 articles.

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