Eklarkar Shripad V,Nandedkar V M
In sheet metal forming process for obtaining good component one of the important practices is to controlling the sheet material flow into the die cavity. This is possible by applying the proper blank holding force and optimized drawbead geometry on the surface of the die.This paper aims to investigate the effect of drawbead geometry and blank holding force on thickness of formed component and restraining force using the Taguchi optimized technique. FE simulation is carried out by hyperform software and L9 orthogonal array design of experiments is used for simulation. Furthermore the values of thickness and drawbead forces predicted by developing a linear regression model. From the result, it is noticed that the shoulder radius and drawbead height are more influencing parameters for controlling the restraining force and thickness variation. The obtained results are validated by conducting conformation test and values obtained are the good agreement with the literature data and simulated results.