Foundry coke is part of the mixture for melting of cast irons in coke oven and coke oven gas furnaces, which make up more than 37% of the domestic fleet of cast iron furnaces. It is obtained by sieving coal coke. Performing the function of fuel and providing the necessary heat, foundry coke has a significant impact on the stability of the melting process and the temperature of the cast iron. The share of energy and fuel in the cost of iron casting is 55-60%, so the reduction in coke consumption is of great importance for the energy efficiency of melting and the cost of castings. The requirements for foundry coke are currently set in the standard GOST 3340-88 “Foundry coke. Technical specifications”, in which five indicators are normalized: mass fraction of total moisture, W_t^r, %; ash content of analytical sample, Ad, %; mass fraction of total sulfur, S_t^d, %; strength according to MIKUM, M40, %; fraction of pieces, less than 40 mm.