Budijono A P,Syah S S,Kurniawan W D,Habib B N
Reverse engineering in development product is the process to re-measure existing peoduct to gain information on it, then redesign the CAD model. It represents geometric shapes and other information of the original one’s and used for analyzing, recovery, production, and testing. The model that is created using reverse engineering are for various reasons including to design tool for the production of a copy of an object, to study the concept of an existing design, or to analyze the design for improvement. In this research, it will be re-modeling the automatic flour gauge machine after reviewing the working principle of the machine. The components that will be analyzed and redesigned are: 1) Hooper design for repairing and cleaning operations, 2) Auger design to overcome the fall of flour droplets from the output hole, 3) The design of the Steering Agitator to overcome the nature of the flour adhering to the wall and maintain the flowrate of the flour. The method used were: 1) Determination of Reverse Engineering Components, 2) Identification of Components, 3) Three (3) Dimensional-Component Design. The result showed after the modification of flour in the tube was denser so that it would increase the precision in the filling process, this was because the flowrate became more stable.
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