The current and future usage and power needs of electricity are important in electricity utilities. This study aims to predict the amount of power and electricity usage and demand from various sectors in order to be used as a reference and an overview of the amount of sectoral load and electrical energy needs in the West Java region in the future. The method for determining the estimated electrical load and energy requirements can be calculated by a combined method (analytical, econometric and trend) and a simple linear regression method with a sectoral approach by grouping customers into five sectors (household, business, industrial, general and social). The findings of the study using the combined method of the percentage of the amount of power connected by 5.46% with an error of 4.42%, and the amount of energy sold at 4.78% with an error of 4.49%. Whereas by using the regression method the percentage of total connected power is 5.27% with an error of 3.54%, and the amount of energy sold is 4.24% with an error of 3.98%. By doing these forecasts it is hoped that the future electricity needs can be met.