Rahayu A,Fajri J A,Lim L W,Takeuchi T
A capillary suppressor column was prepared by packed column and monolith columns. The packed column prepared using HyperSep SCX as packing material. The sulfonate group was introduced from benzenesulfunic acid that could be used as a suppressor material. The slurry of packing material was packed to capillary fused silica 0.53 mm I.D x 0.66 mm O.D with 30 mm of length. Monolith suppressor column was prepared from methacrylate based modified with Na2SO3 for strong cation exchanger and iminodiacetic acid for weak cation exchanger. A suppressor column was connected to a capillary chromatography system for separating 5 inorganic anions (Cl−, NO2
−, Br−, NO3
− and SO4
2-) using conductivity detection. The suppression system could reduce the background conductivity of the mobile phase sodium bicarbonate and sodium carbonate properly up to 67.72% using packed suppressor column with size 0.53 mm I.D x 0.66 mm O.D with 30 mm length. It column could be used about 1.5 hours before breakthrough.