Kumalasari I D,Sugahara T,Nishi K
Sweet Potato (Ipomea batatas) is a local tuber potentially to be developed as functional food. The aims of this research is to evaluate the immunomodulatory effect of the sweet potato fibre extract (SFE) in vitro by animal cell culture techniques and identification the active compounds of SFE. SFE were prepared by autoclaving the sweet potato fiber powder in distilled water with room temperature 25 °C for 2 hours in distillated water and dialyzed with membrane with molecular weight cut off 14 kDa and 30 kDa. The IgM production of SFE against human hybridoma cell line HB4C5 cells was evaluated. The results of this research indicated that SFE stimulated IgM production by HB4C5 cells with heat and dialysis treatments in dose dependent manner. IgM production was increased by SFE with molecular weight more than 14 kDa and less than 30 kDa. The conclusion of this evaluation, SFE facilitated IgM production by HB4C5 cells and revealed that the SFE has positive effects on immunostimulatory activity in vitro.
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