Currently, the common method to obtain ultraviolet laser is an all-solid-state laser combined with nonlinear frequency conversion technology, which generates three, four or five harmonics outside or inside the resonator cavity through the frequency conversion of near-infrared light waves around 1.0μm. Ultraviolet light sources are mainly obtained in two bands of 355mm and 266nm. Ultraviolet laser is characterized by high photon energy, short wavelength, cold treatment and good focusing performance, be widely used in the fields of medicine and biology, industrial microprocessing, atomic/analytical spectroscopy and chemical dynamics, environmental detection and atmospheric detection. In this article, we put forward with two sum frequency crystals to obtain UV laser, based on the method of theoretical analysis and experiment validation, Nd:YAG crystal was used as a gain medium to generate 1064 nm laser, double frequency generated 532 nm green laser by KTP crystal, 1064 nm and 532 nm throughed two sum frequency crystals and frequency conversion outside the cavity. The High conversion efficiency and high peak power 355nm ultraviolet light output is realized.