Pavlenko A V,Tolmachev G N,Stryukov D V,Alikhadzhiev S Kh,Aliev I M,Zhidel K M,Tsebaev S N,Dzhambulatov R S
In the paper the results of a structure and dielectric properties study of ferroelectric-relaxor Sr0.75Ba0.25Nb2O6 (SBN-75) ceramics and thin films with the structure of an unfilled tetragonal tungsten bronze have been presented. The existence of orientation domains in the SBN-75 film with rotation in the interface plane only by angles of ± 18.4° relative to the axes of the MgO substrate is revealed. In the tetragonal approximation, the unit cell parameters of the film (c = 3.948 Å and a = 12.49 Å) and its strain in comparison with the cell parameters of the ceramic sample have been determined.