Muchtar Farkhana,Lukuman Saheed Ajibade,Helmy Abd Wahab Mohd,Zulkarnain Syed Idrus Syed
Named Data Networking (NDN) has been repeatedly quoted in numerous past and existing literature reviews to have replaced Host Centric Networking (HCN) due to its ability to solve energy efficiency issues inherent in Multi-hop Wireless Ad-hoc Networks (WAHN). However, this claim is proven to be wholly unsubstantiated and is not justified by academic proof in said articles. Therefore, this study take the initiative to fill in this gap by presenting a comparative study of NDN based MWAHN and HCN based MWAHN through the use of real implementation by measuring two parameter metric that are related to energy efficiency, namely energy consumption and file transfer completion time. For this study, NDN-based MWAHN is compared with two type of actively developed HCN routing protocol implementation, namely Babeld and BMX6. The results obtained from this experiment is crucial for MWAHN researchers to gain better understanding of the real potential of the NDN based routing that can be used as a solution for energy consumption issues that exist in wireless multi-hop ad-hoc network.