Amri Syahputra,Napitupulu Humala L,Nazaruddin
Increasingly the business market competition is getting tougher. Companies are required to provide better products/services than their competitors. PT XYZ is a company engaged in food manufacturing. The products produced are snacks which are grouped into 4 parts, namely crackers, biscuit noodles and wafers. The business process in the sales department is still very manual and outdated because ordering goods is still over the phone which is considered inefficient. Therefore, improvement is needed by accelerating the time cycle of each activity and simplifying a series of activities as well as the use of technology that cuts business activity activities that have no added value and is repeated. One concept that can be applied is to reengineer business processes (BPR), namely the use of android technology with ESIA method which is able to facilitate marketing from anywhere using an android-based communication device.