Hospodár Pavel,Drábek Armand
In this paper, an aerodynamic and wing structure is investigated by low-fidelity methods. Bell-shaped lift distribution was rediscovered in the last decade as a perspective alternative to traditional wing design. This leads to lower aerodynamic drag than elliptical lift distribution for a given lift force and root bending moment. Root bending moment is used as a surrogate model of wing structure weight. It is relatively raw simplification introduced by Prandtl to estimate the weight of the spar as a main part of the wing structure. For a more accurate wing weight estimation, the main parts of the wing are dimensioned under CS-23 regulation in this work. The design procedure starts with defining the elementary parameters of the wing shape (chord/twist distribution, wingspan). After geometry generating a non-linear lifting line is used to calculate aerodynamic characteristics for all regime, determined from the flight envelope. The dimensions of a spar, ribs and skin are calculated in the next step of the procedure for given bending moment, load and torque moment distribution. The structure of the wing is assumed as a two-spar, manufactured by aluminum. A target of design is to find out the shape of the wing for given weight. The solution is verified by CFD calculation.