Svirin M V,Bychikhin S A,Trubaev P A,Seminenko A S
This paper examines the issue of fuel and energy resources conservation through the non-working hours heating load decrease. The paper’s objective is the determination of savings when non-working hours heating load is decreased, considering the unsteadiness of the heat transfer processes through the enclosing structures, heating modes determination, which ensure the required microclimate parameters in the building during working hours. The analysis of the unsteady temperature condition has been conducted using systems of differential equations, the heating load decrease method has been suggested with further calculation for the existing building and technical-and-economic evaluation of the suggested energy conservation measure. To solve this problem the mathematical model was constructed, which considers the unsteadi-ness of weather conditions and temperature conditions of the building when the heating load is decreased. The method of heating load decrease was suggested with further savings calculation for the High School № 4 in Belgorod city. The modeling helped to establish that to ensure steady microclimate parameters in the building after period of heating load decrease to 12°C ends, it is necessary to conduct short-duration overheating of the building by increasing inside temperature to 21°C for the period from 5:00 till 9:00, to prevent loss of heat by the enclosing structures. When the room temperature during non-working hours is decreased to 12°C the cal-culated economy is 10%.
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2 articles.