Irfan Ahammed K P,Narayanan Aswathy A,Sudheesh R S
Effective Young’s Moduli of composite materials are estimated by variety of methods so far. This work attempts to estimate the Effective Young’s Modulus of aluminium356 with silicon carbide particle (SiCp) Metal Matrix Composite (MMC) with different particle aspect ratios using a simplified finite element model. Simplifications were made in terms of geometry of the particle. An improved model of the composite with an interface between the particle and the matrix was then developed and used to compare the results with the simplified model. The results were validated with experimental results, and the predicted values obtained from the Rule of Mixtures and the Halpin–Tsai (HT) model. The Young’s moduli estimated by considering the interface geometry in 3-D model is found to have better agreement with the experimental values than the simplified model at higher aspect ratios. The improvement in the results of the 3-D model with interface considerations is expected to make the model suitable for advanced studies.
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