Mishra Dushyant,Kumar Naveen,Chaudhary Rajiv
In the current scenario as governments are facing the issue of environmental depletion. The main cause of this depletion is emission by the transport sector. The heavy-duty vehicles mainly depend on diesel (a hydrocarbon fuel). This review paper shares information regarding the alternative sources of diesel for a compression ignition engine. For reduction in emission content researchers made great efforts but proportionally the number of vehicles continuously increases. In this field the binary and ternary fuel are gratefully used in such engine. The alcohols family help to make such blends where considerably results being achieved. The binary fuels have its own impacts on environment during the combustion inside the engine. It found that the less number of works done in field of quaternary blends. Some special features being required to accept such blends. These factors include viscosity, lubricity, and stability and material compatibility. Further work is required in acceptable blended fuel characteristics to ensure the long term effects on engine workability.