This article presents the results of studies on assessing the availability of information exchange in radio transmission notifications system (RTNS) of various types. The author proposes to use indicators showing the probability of non-reception of alarm notifications at the scheduled time, the daily average probability of non-reception of data from RTNS, and the average daily occupancy of the RTNS radio channel as parameters for assessing the availability. The article introduces the expansion of the existing assessments of the information exchange availability not only in terms of test messages passing the radio channel control, but also taking into account possible internal time collisions associated with the transmission of service and alarm notifications to RTNS. The author proposes to expand the assessments of availability indicators not only for asynchronous RTNS, but also for combined asynchronous-synchronous systems with working frequency occupancy control, satisfying the conditions stating that the time window for the transmission of alarm and service notifications does not intersect with the time window of test messages for the radio channel control. The calculations show that the obtained estimates of availability are consistent with the established practice of RTNS operation.