Bahrin Muhammad Hannan,Hasan Hasni,Rahman Anwar Abdul,Hamzah Mohd Arif,Hassan Mohd Zaid,Mamat@Ibrahim Mohd Rizal,Rabir Mohamad Hairie,Karim Julia Abdul
The Prototype and Plant Development Center (PDC) of Malaysian Nuclear Agency is developing a hot cell facility which is meant for research activities such as spent fuel inspection, fuel fabrication and post irradiation material examination/inspection. The hot cell is of alpha-gamma shielding hot cell type. The size of the hot cell is 4.4 x 3.9 x 3.825 meter. The 1-meter thickness hot cell wall consists of 89 pieces of interlocking curve design concrete. The 1-meter hot cell roof consists of 41 pieces of square shape concrete. The density of all concrete blocks is 2350kg/m3. The hot cell is designed to handle up to 227.5 Ci 60Co activity. This paper will discuss the detailed design of the shielding wall, as well as the shielding evaluation/analysis against gamma and fission products of 50% burnup RTP 20wt% fuel type using MCNP.