Achdiani Y,Widiaty I,Ilahi R,Ningsih M P,Mubaroq S R
This study aims to design an electronic book (e-book) used in batik learning in a Vocational High School. The design of the e-book is made on the web based application platform. The design of the e-book applies the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method. The interaction model developed in the application is a user interface in the form of a frontend. The e-book User Interface in the form of a Codeigniter framework is based on the Hypertext Pre-processor (PHP). All content and databases are stored in the server. The results of the design include digital application of borrow-read-return procedures. In content, material about West Java Batik is accessible in three features, namely the pages of digital book room, audio book room, and video book room. The consequences of designing this e-book indicate the need for adequate internet network availability and the need for special administrator to constantly update the contents.