Sergeeva E V,Moskvina E A,Torshina O A
Mathematics and architecture have always been closely interrelated, the main methods of design in architecture has always belonged to mathematics. At the present stage in connection with the development of computer technology and the Internet began a new round in the relationship between mathematics and architecture. A competent architect should have excellent skills in painting and sculpture, as well as a good knowledge of mathematics. We came to the conclusion that the purpose of mathematical training in the University of students of construction specialties is the development of their mathematical competence. This requires: 1) students should be able to solve applied mathematical problems; 2) students should carry out projects related to their future professional activities; 3) students should be able to create mathematical models. We have developed criteria, indicators and levels of development of mathematical competence of students of the University, which allows you to organize control and measuring materials to assess the level of mathematical training of students.
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