Singh Aryendra,Gupta Priyanshi,Thakur Narina
Financial markets are inherently unpredictable. They continue to change based on the performance of the company, past records, market value and are also dependent on news & timings. By carrying out trend analysis, one has the ability to prejudge stock prices. Machine Learning Techniques that are available, have the potential to forecast future stock prices. Each stock represents a different trend, so a singular machine learning model can’t be applicable to other stocks. Thus, one model giving a high degree of precision can’t guarantee working on another. Too many variables are involved while predicting stocks-physical factors vs. psychological, irrational and rational behaviour, etc. All of these factors combined indicate stock prices as capricious and difficult to foresee. In order to resolve this challenge, a comprehensive study with historical data on stock prices of listed firms was performed. The main premise behind this research was to illustrate how to apply machine learning algorithms such as Averaging, Linear Regression including advanced deep learning techniques such as Long-Term Short Memory and applying technical tools like the Modern Portfolio Theory and Bollinger bands.
Cited by
13 articles.
1. Prediction of Stock Price Market Using News Sentiments By Machine Learning;2023 10th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON);2023-12-01
2. Exploiting Pattern Recognition using Chimp Optimization Algorithm with Machine Learning for Financial Crisis Prediction;2023 International Conference on Sustainable Communication Networks and Application (ICSCNA);2023-11-15
3. Optimising Trading Strategies using Linear Regression on Stock Prices;2023 International Conference on Research Methodologies in Knowledge Management, Artificial Intelligence and Telecommunication Engineering (RMKMATE);2023-11-01
4. Unveling the Precision of Deep Learning Models for Stock Price Prediction: A Comparative Analysis of Bi-LSTM, LSTM, and GRU;2023 International Conference on Converging Technology in Electrical and Information Engineering (ICCTEIE);2023-10-25
5. Hybrid stock analysis model for financial market forecasting;2023 IEEE 18th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies (CSIT);2023-10-19