Larmor power limit for cyclotron radiation of relativistic particles in a waveguide


Buzinsky NORCID,Taylor R JORCID,Byron W,DeGraw W,Dodson B,Fertl MORCID,García AORCID,Goodson A P,Graner B,Harrington HORCID,Hayen LORCID,Malavasi LORCID,McClain D,Melconian DORCID,Müller PORCID,Novitski EORCID,Oblath N SORCID,Robertson R G HORCID,Rybka GORCID,Savard G,Smith E,Stancil D DORCID,Storm D W,Swanson H EORCID,Tedeschi J R,VanDevender B AORCID,Wietfeldt F E,Young A R


Abstract Cyclotron radiation emission spectroscopy (CRES) is a modern technique for high-precision energy spectroscopy, in which the energy of a charged particle in a magnetic field is measured via the frequency of the emitted cyclotron radiation. The He6-CRES collaboration aims to use CRES to probe beyond the standard model physics at the TeV scale by performing high-resolution and low-background beta-decay spectroscopy of 6 He and 19 Ne . Having demonstrated the first observation of individual, high-energy (0.1–2.5 MeV) positrons and electrons via their cyclotron radiation, the experiment provides a novel window into the radiation of relativistic charged particles in a waveguide via the time-derivative (slope) of the cyclotron radiation frequency, d f c / d t . We show that analytic predictions for the total cyclotron radiation power emitted by a charged particle in circular and rectangular waveguides are approximately consistent with the Larmor formula, each scaling with the Lorentz factor of the underlying e ± as γ 4. This hypothesis is corroborated with experimental CRES slope data.


National Nuclear Security Administration

National Science Foundation

Nuclear Physics

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft


IOP Publishing







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