Nugraheni N,Zaenuri ,Wardono
The purpose of this research was 1) to determine the differences in the mathematics learning outcomes between male and female students, 2) to determine the differences in the mathematics learning outcomes of students from mathematics and science, social, language, and vocational majors. The population is the third semester of elementary school teacher education Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) students. Samples were obtained randomly. The authors using non-parametric data tests because the data were not normality distributed. From the 228 data obtained, the Mann Whitney data test obtained the Asymp.Sig. 0.57> 0.05, so the fact that there is no difference in mathematics learning outcomes of elementary school teacher education UNNES students when viewed from gender. However, if it is viewed from the specialization of the major in Senior High School, the Kruskal Wallis data test obtained the Asymp.Sig. 0.001 <0.05, so the fact that there is a significant difference in mathematics learning outcomes of elementary school teacher education UNNES students.
General Physics and Astronomy