Sugiman ,Suyitno A,Pujiastuti E
This article begins with a research collaboration between the Director of Seameo-Sen, based in Melaka Malaysia, and the Study Center in the Field of Learning for Students with Disabilities of FMIPA UNNES. The research objective to obtain the results of the analysis that revealed the use of the Multi-purpose Videos of Mathematical Teaching Aids to increase the absorption of students with special needs. The research method is with a qualitative approach. The subjects of this study taken one Malaysian Special School teacher, a Partner Researcher from Seameo-Sen, and the four of visually impaired and the mental retardation students at State Special School (SLBN) in Salatiga. Data analysis: data reduction, data presentation, data interpretation, and drawing conclusions, accompanied by class visit activities at SLBN Salatiga by applying Multi-purpose Videos of Mathematical Teaching Aids, interviews, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), and triangulation of data sources. As a result, by applying the Multi-purpose Videos of Mathematical Teaching Aids there was an increase in the absorption of SLB students. In conclusion, SLB needs to use Multi-purpose Videos of Mathematical Teaching Aids to increase the absorption of students with Special Needs in Mathematics.
General Physics and Astronomy