Sh Mavlyanov A,Khakkulov M K,Sattarov O E,Akbarova N A,Yakubov D Z
The paper presents the results of study of the photoconductivity spectra of sulfur- and <sulfur+manganese>-doped samples of silicon (Si<S>, Si<MnS>) under dark conditions and while samples were subjected to constant light in forward and reverse switching modes. The paper also presents the calculation results of the value of the band gap (Eg
) of <sulfur+zinc> -doped silicon samples (Si<ZnS>). Spatial analogues of generally accepted GaAs structure such as Si2Mn2S and Si2Zn2S are hypothesized to be brought up in the result of above mixed dopings. Tentative investigations of the short-circuit current and open-circuit voltage of p-n-structures, as well as the photoconductivity of such structures, together with the analysis of their lux-ampere characteristic might serve for proposing potential varying band structures for solar cells.