1. Bottomhole formation zone treatment process modelling with the use geological and geophysical information;Mukhametshin;IOP C. Ser.: Earth Env,2018
2. Analytical method for estimating efficiency of oil recovery technology in case of bottom water-drive reservoir, verified on the hydrodynamic model;Yakupov;Oil Industry [in Russian – Neftyanoye Khozyaystvo],2018
3. Identifying the efficiency factors on the basis of evaluation of acidizing of carbonate reservoirs;Kozikhin;IOP C. Ser.: Earth Env,2018
4. Assessment of the Need to Stimulate the Development of Hard-to-Recover Reserves in Carbonate Reservoirs;Mukhametshin;IOP C. Ser.: Earth Env,2018
5. Mechanization of technological process of round-trip operations in well servicing and workover;Konnov;SOCAR Proc. [in Russian – Naychnie Trudy],2018