Maltseva O,Nikitenko T,Kharakhashyan A
The equivalent slab thickness τ of the ionosphere links two of its parameters: the critical frequency foF2 and the total electron content TEC and, as a consequence, allows the determination of foF2 using TEC. Interest in the parameter τ has recently increased, as evidenced by a publication in Space Science Reviews 2022, 218:37, 1-65, which provides a historical overview of τ research, presents features of τ behavior in different regions of the globe under different solar activity conditions, and indicates directions for further research. This led to the following objectives for this paper: (1) estimating the correlation coefficient between foF2 and TEC, (2) testing a unique global model τ(NSTM) - the Neustrelitz equivalent Slab Thickness Model, (3) estimating the relation between τ and the Dst index. Using data from 78 stations divided into several longitude zones, it is shown for April 2022: (1) a high correlation between foF2 and TEC on a global scale is confirmed, but there is a large dependence on data quality, (2) each longitude zone has stations for which τ(NSTM) gives good agreement with experimental values and can be used in applications, (3) the correlation coefficient ρ(τ-Dst) is found to depend on longitude, which may have a physical nature.
General Physics and Astronomy