Model studies of the conditions of transition of the hydrogeomechanical state of the tailings dam into the filtration instability of the enclosing dam have been carried out in this work. Modelling of deformation and filtration processes in the hydrogeomechanical 3D model, built on the example of one of the mining enterprises of the Kola Peninsula, was applied. Model peculiarities of reconsolidation of the tailings pond soil, the guarding dam and the underlying geological basis were revealed. The values of stability coefficient of the guarding dam at given rates of water filtration through its body are determined. The model laws of transformation of the hydrogeomechanical state of the tailings dam of the mining enterprise are established. The obtained results provide scientific and technical basis for providing industrial and ecological safety of tailings dams, both of operating mining enterprises and mothballed facilities for storing of reclamated mining wastes.
General Physics and Astronomy