1. Assessment of the need to stimulate the development of hard-to-recover reserves in carbonate reservoirs;Mukhametshin;IOP C. Ser.: Earth Env.,2018
2. The neural network for grouping wells of different facies zones of productive layer;Chudinova;IOP C. Ser.: Earth Env.,2018
3. Bottomhole formation zone treatment process modelling with the use geological and geophysical information;Mukhametshin;IOP C. Ser.: Earth Env.,2018
4. Laboratory grounding of waterproofing sealant based on acrylic polymers;Batalov;IOP C. Ser.: Earth Env.,2018
5. Determining oscillating system dynamic parameters of a near-bit junk pulper;Zainagalina;Advances in Engineering Research (AER) (Int. conf. “Actual issues of mechanical engineering” (AIME 2018)),2018