Harjito K,Hardyanto W,Wardhani S,Sumarni W
One of the important competencies for teachers to master is the skills to organize 21st century learning and assessment (Assessment and Teaching of 21st skill/ATC21S). One of the learning models recommended so that h = teachers have these skills is the collaborative problem solving model (CPS). Learning the CPS model can be done face-to-face or online. Students learn in pairs or in small groups collectively to solve the problems presented. There are at least two domains involved in learning activities, namely social prayer and cognitive domains. Assessment based on activities is based on a context of problems that can only be solved if students have cognitive mastery and require interaction with other people. To measure the results of CPS, various data can be used such as video recordings, conversation recordings, log data, tests, interviews and self-efficacy.
General Physics and Astronomy