Storck S,Caesar C,Kahlbow J,Panin V,Ahn D S,Atar L,Aumann T,Baba H,Boretzky’ K,Chae H,Chiga N,Choi S,Cortés M L,Cortina-Gil D,Deshayes Q,Doornenbal P,Elekes Z,Fukuda N,Gašparić I,Hahn K I,Halász Z,Hirayama A,Hwang J,Inabe N,Isobe T,Kim S,Kobayashi T,Körper D,Marques M,Matsumoto M,Murakami T,Murray I,Nakamura T,Nilsson T,Otsu H,Paschalis S,Parlog M,Petri M,Rossi D,Saito A,Sasano M,Scheit H,Schrock P,Shimizu Y,Simon H,Sohler D,Sorlin O,Stuhl L,Suzuki H,Syndikus I,Takeda H,Törnqvist H,Togano Y,Tomai T,Uesaka T,Yamada H,Yang Z,Yasuda M,Yoneda K I
The ground state of the neutron unbound nucleus 26O is speculated to have a lifetime in the pico-second regime. In order to determine the decay lifetime of the 26 O ground state with high sensitivity and precision, a new method has been applied. The experiment was performed in December 2016 at the Superconducting Analyzer for MUlti-particle from Radio Isotope Beams (SAMURAI) at the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory (RIBF) at RIKEN. A 27F beam was produced in the fragment separator BigRIPS and impinged on a W/Pt target 26
O outside the target. Thus, the velocity difference between the decay neutrons and the fragment 1 O delivers a characteristic spectrum from which the lifetime can be extracted.
General Physics and Astronomy