Proton-induced reactions on 6Li play an important role in nuclear astrophysics studies in relation to primordial lithium abundances. Whilst big bang nucleosynthesis theory excludes the existence of primordial 6Li, the 6Li/7Li abundance ratio observed in pre-main sequence stars is ≃ 0.5. The 6Li(p,3He)4He and 6Li(p,γ)7Be reactions are the main processes that contribute to 6Li destruction in stars. Both reactions were recently studied at LUNA via proton bombardment of 6Li-enriched targets, with complementary target composition studies performed at HZDR. Improvements on the precision of the low-energy S-factor values are expected from this study. Notably, the low-background measurement at LUNA will assist the search for a recently claimed 6Li(p,γ)7Be low energy resonance at E
r ≃ 195 keV. I present the LUNA experimental setup and preliminary results of the ongoing analysis.
General Physics and Astronomy