Wednesday, May 26, 2021, a total lunar eclipse phenomenon known as the Super Blood Moon occurred in almost all parts of Indonesia. The community gives various perceptions about this phenomenon. Therefore, a more in-depth research is needed. This study aims to determine and analyse the level of understanding of physics students at the Universitas Negeri Surabaya regarding the phenomenon of the Super Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse and to determine the level of knowledge of physics undergraduate students regarding the differences in the wonders of Supermoon, Super Blood Moon and Super Blue Blood Moon. This research was conducted using qualitative methods. This study involved twenty-five students majoring in physics at the Universitas Negeri Surabaya using an online questionnaire. Respondent's opinion from the questionnaire was then grouped into four levels of conditions adapted from Posner et al., the four levels of conditions were Dissatisfaction, Intelligible, Plausibility, and Fruitfulness. The results showed that undergraduate physics students' understanding of the lunar eclipse phenomenon was at the level of dissatisfaction while understanding the differences in the wonders of Supermoon, Super Blood Moon, and Super Blue Blood Moon was at the level of Plausibility.
General Physics and Astronomy