Yamada I,Chimura M,Kamiya J,Kinsho M
In a high intensity ion accelerator, a non-destructive beam monitor is required to realize a continuous measurement of the beam for improving the beam quality in operation for users. We have developed a non-destructive 2-D beam profile monitor detecting photons produced by interaction between a beam and a sheet-shaped gas. Though the developed monitor is a non-destructive type, the injected gas sheet should induce scattering of the beam particles which makes the beam emittance large. We have measured a beam current and a phase space distribution of the J-PARC 3 MeV, 60 mA H− beam with change of the gas sheet flux. It was found that the beam current reduction was in linear relation and the root mean square emittance was constant or decreased by up to 4.5% in y-y′ plane and did not change in x-x′ plane against a rise in the gas sheet flux. These result indicate that the developed monitor can be utilized as a non-destructive one depending on the gas sheet flux condition.