Subchan W,Susilo V E,Khairiyah Y,Wahyudewantoro G,Ariyunita S,Rohman A
Freshwater fish diversity is the number of fish species found in freshwater areas. This research is an exploratory study aimed at the diversity of freshwater fish in the Sanenrejo and Wonoasri Resort’s Rivers of Meru Betiri National Park. Fishes were caught using gill nets with mesh sizes 0.5 inch and handnet The level of diversity of freshwater fish in the Sanenrejo and Wonoasri Resorts is classified as being moderate with the diversity index values in the Sanenrejo and Wonoasri Resorts respectively 1.5902 and 2.2323 while the overall index value is 2.4102. Freshwater fish found consisted of 15 species, namely: Barbodes binotatus, Trichopodus trichopterus, Neovespicula depressifrons, Rasbora lateristriata, Planiliza subviridis, Orechromis niloticus, Eleotris melanosoma, Dermogenys pusilla, Periopthalmus argentilineatus, Pterygoplichthys pardalis, Channa gachua, Butis butis, Nemacheilus fasciatus, Siycopterus cyanocephalus, and Monopterus albus.
General Physics and Astronomy