The paper considers a normalized non-integral integral of the first kind with a variable lower bound. In this case the integrand is a generalization of the standard Gaussian distribution density. Such integrals are often called cutoffs or incomplete functions. The purpose of this paper is to obtain power inequalities for this kind of integrals. The necessity of obtaining this type of estimations is due to the fact that incomplete functions have become widespread in applications and theoretical studies. The peculiarity of the results established in the article consists in the fact that arbitrary degrees of a given integral for any value of an argument are evaluated from above not by means, of the value of integrable functions at a certain point, but by the value of the integral in question at some point proportional to this argument. The coefficient of proportionality, a parameter, can take any value from some closed interval. The main difficulty in obtaining these inequalities is that the integrand is a logarithmically concave function, that is, its logarithm is a concave function. The paper also proves that both limits of the closed interval for the parameter cannot be extended. This shows that the obtained estimates are unimprovable.
General Physics and Astronomy