The effect of vermicompost application on the growth of lettuce plant (Lactuca sativa L.)


Frasetya B,Harisman K,Maulid S,Ginandjar S


Abstract The application of salt fertilizer to increase the productivity of lettuce in long term application will decline soil fertility. Implementation of totally organic farming in some region cannot increase productivity rapidly. The application of vermicompost combined with inorganic fertilizer is a solution to overcome decline lettuce production on the first time implementation of the organic farming system. This research aims to study the dose application of vermicompost on the growth of lettuce plant. The research conducted at Cisurupan-Garut West Java Province with altitude 1183 m above sea level from January to March 2018. The method used in this research is randomize block design with seven treatments (A = without vermicompost, B = 5, C = 10, D = 15, E = 20, F = 25, G = 30 t ha-1), and four replication. The growth parameter observed in this research was plant height, number of leaves, fresh plant weight, plant dry weight, and shoot-root ratio. The data observation parameter than analysed with variance analyse at five per cent signification level. The result of this research shows that the application of 5 t ha−1 vermicompost improves plant growth significantly.


IOP Publishing


General Physics and Astronomy







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