Lightweight Human Motion Recognition Method with Multiscale Temporal Features


Liu Ying,Luan Tian


Abstract To address the problems of the large size of human motion recognition models based on deep learning and insufficient mining of data features and thus low recognition accuracy, a lightweight human motion recognition algorithm based on multi-scale temporal features is proposed, the algorithm automatically extracted features through a multiscale feature fusion model. After, the integrated features are modeled by an improved time convolution network (TCN). In the TCN network structure, In the TCN network structure, the depthwise separable convolution is used instead of the normal convolutional layer to reduce the computational complexity, and the Leaky ReLU activation function is used instead of the ReLU function to improve the training efficiency. The experiments are based on the WISDM public dataset. finally achieve fast real-time recognition of actions, and structural and parametric optimization is performed through experiments to effectively improve the accuracy of results, and the final accuracy rate reaches 99.06%. In comparison with other methods, this method can reduce the model volume while maintaining a high accuracy rate.


IOP Publishing


Computer Science Applications,History,Education

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