Del Fabbro M,Montagnoli G,Stefanini A M,Jiang C L,Hagino K,Niola F,Brugnara D,Čolović P,Colucci G,Corradi L,Depalo R,Fioretto E,Goasduff A,Pasqualato G,Scarlassara F,Szilner S,Zanon I
In the present work the fusion cross section of the 12C+24Mg system has been measured down to energies far below the coulomb barrier around 4μb. This system is slightly heavier than those of astrophysical interest, like 12C+12C and 16O+16O. The data points highlight the presence of hindrance in 12C+24Mg because the excitation function is over-estimated by standard Coupled-Channels calculations, and a clear maximum of the S factor has been observed. The cross section at hindrance threshold is found to be remarkably large (σ ≈0.75mb). The S-factor maximum is nicely fitted using both an empirical interpolation in the spirit of the adiabatic model, and the hindrance parametrisation. The data far below the barrier may suggest that the coupling strengths gradually decrease and vanish, so that the excitation function seems to be well reproduced by a simple one-dimensional tunnelling through the potential barrier in that energy range. On the other hand, the equally good fit obtained with the hindrance model, indicates that discriminating between the two approaches would require further precise measurements at slightly lower energies.
Computer Science Applications,History,Education