One important parameter of an antenna is its inductance. Inductance is the nature of a conductor which is related to its magnetic characteristics when alternating electric current is flowed. There are several factors that affect the inductance of a conductor wire, such as the size (dimension of the wire), the geometric shape of the wire, the permeability of material around the wire, and others. In this paper, we will discuss the effect of wire geometry on the value of the wire inductance. The wire diameter of regular polygonal wire is very thin. In determining the inductance of regular polygonal wire, some restrictions do for simplification in the calculation. Some of these restrictions are (1) the length of wire or circumferential polygon is fixed, (2) the diameter of the wire is considered very thin, (3) the distribution of the magnetic field is considered homogeneous, (4) the effect of external magnetic fields on the wire ignored. The results of calculations and analysis show that the change in geometry of regular polygonal wire from rectangular wire to decagonal wire causes the wire’s inductance value to increase.
General Physics and Astronomy
Cited by
1 articles.
1. Bandwidth and working frequency analysis of bi-hexagonal antenna;INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE AND APPLIED SCIENCE (ICSAS2020);2020